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Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area Announces Wish Tree Program for Giving Tuesday

The Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area, in partnership with four local businesses, has set-up Wish Trees in the Wausau Area in conjunction with Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of people and organizations to transform their communities.

This year, for the very first time, the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area will have Wish Trees at four locations and one at the Boys & Girls Club in Wausau. These trees will contain ornaments for needs as well as opportunities for investment.

Many of these needs come from our Members themselves and can include things like a new winter jacket, a new backpack, sponsoring a Membership, city bus passes, etc. Other needs include things like new sporting equipment for the Club, laptops for the computer lab, etc.

The four trees will be located at the following places:

Wausau School District’s Longfellow Building

BMO Harris: 500 3rd Street

Clay Marketing Group in the Ghidorzi Building: 2620 Stewart Ave.

Furniture and Appliance Mart: 1820 Stewart Ave. Wausau

Each wish has an estimated value listed, so donors can either head to our website to make an investment for that amount or they can purchase the item and drop it off at the Boys & Girls Club on N 2nd Street. For more information on the Wish Trees, click here.

From our Members, volunteers and staff at the Boys & Girls Club - we'd like to thank our generous community for considering investing in the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area and ensuring Great Futures Start Here.



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